Fraudulent transfers, Ch. 242
Interstate enforcement of domestic violence and protection orders act, 813.128
Interstate family support, Ch. 769
Joint obligations, Ch. 113
Judicial notice of foreign laws, 902.02
Notarial acts, 706.07
Out-of-state parolee supervision, 304.13
General, Ch. 178
Limited, Ch. 179
Power of attorney for finances and property, Ch. 244
For detailed analysis, see Power of Attorney for Finances and Property
Probate of foreign wills, 868.01
Principal and income, 701.1101 to 701.1136
Prudent investor act, 881.01
Prudent management of institutional funds, 112.11
Real property electronic recording act, 706.25
Sales and use tax administration, 77.65
Secured creditor's dividends in liquidation proceedings, 128.25
Securities law, Ch. 551
Securities ownership by minors act, 54.92
Trade secrets act, 134.90
Transboundary pollution reciprocal access, 299.33
Transfers to minors act, 54.854 to 54.898
Unclaimed property, Ch. 177
Unincorporated nonprofit associations, Ch. 184
Unsworn foreign declarations act, 887.015
Vendor and purchaser risk, 706.12
Veterans' guardianship act, 54.852
uniform state laws, commission on UNIFORM STATE LAWS, COMMISSION ON
Generally, 13.55
unions UNIONS
united states UNITED STATES
See also Federal Aid
Acquiring lands, conditions, 1.02, 1.03
Action for damages from fire, 26.21
Adams county institution, conveyance by state, 1.025
Apostle Islands national lakeshore land, conveyance to U.S., 1.026
Bird reservations in this state, 1.036
Exemption from securities law registration, 551.201 (2)
Municipal purchase authorized, 66.0603 (1m)
Sale by banks, 221.0314
State employees' purchase plan, 20.921
Camp Williams, use of, 321.22 (2)
Congress, see Congress
Conservation easements, uniform act, 700.40
Courts, official state documents distributed to, 35.84
Employees, interchange of government employees, 230.047
Federal courts of appeals, certification of questions of law, 821.01
Fish hatcheries in state, 1.035 (5)
Forest, national, may establish, 1.055
Bong air base, natural resources department, authority to acquire, 23.09 (13)
Certificate of consent by governor, 1.04
Conservation areas, purchase for lease to state, 1.056
Exemption from taxation, 1.04
Jurisdiction, retrocession, acceptance by governor, 1.031
Legislative consent to acquisition, 1.02
Proceeds from sales, 14.13
Purchasers of swamplands, rights, 24.14
State concurrent jurisdiction, extent, 1.03 (3)
Law enforcement officers, arrest powers outside jurisdiction, 175.40
Sites to aid, may acquire, 1.05
Structures to improve, 1.02
Obligations, joint tenancy-tenancy in common, law does not apply, 700.22
In house of correction, 303.20
In jail or house of correction, 59.54 (16)
Property, taxation of certain, 70.177
Purchases of materials manufactured in, preferences for, exemptions, 16.754
Sites and buildings, 1.02
Sovereignty in Wisconsin, 1.01
Supreme court, certification of questions of law, 821.01
Authorized, 1.06
Determine county lines, 2.02
Veterans' guardianship act, 54.852
Wildlife refuge, may establish, 1.035
university hospital and clinics UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND CLINICS
Generally, Ch. 233
Anatomical gifts, 157.06
Applicability of health services statutes, 233.42
Issuance, 233.20
Legal investment, 219.09